Thursday, August 28, 2008

Love is...

The definition of love may very from person to person. I can only speak for myself in this case. Since this is my first blog, I decided to talk about the most unstable concept known to man kind other than religion-love.
Women can be smart and loving, however most are not and we all know it. Why do most men end up treating women like shit? Because, lets speak the truth most do deserve it. They expect to take a man and change them to suite their needs, without considering the fact that people don't change, they can only pretend to for a short period of time. In the end it all comes out and hearts are broken, and families suffer.
My advice
Find someone compatible, don't be blinded by beauty and lust, consider options and don't rush in to anything.
My advice to women
God gave men two heads and just enough blood to run one direction. Try to get to the man's heart by using the list below, now that would be a challenge.
If you want to find the love of your life without eating shit yet again, define the terms listed below, think about them, and if you truly understand them, then the journey to happiness shall be much easier that it was before I promise you that…

Faith (and I don't mean religion)
A woman should be the man’s backbone…